Volume Four     Number 1


 Spring  1999

(continued from page 1)

Only one California coastal community can have Master Zhen and be Tai Chi Youth's new headquarters. "we'll set up a school and have various satellite programs for schools, corporations, seniors and other community events," says Buddha Zhen enthusiastically. "We'll help youths at risk and set up a multimedia production company that will alter enable us to reach more people worldwide and in the process provide job training and rewarding career experiences for hundreds of teenagers."

We've narrowed it down from which state to which part of the state. That still leaves a lot of communities to choose from Santa Barbara to San Diego. your suggestions are encouraged. "I'm keeping an open mind as to where I'll live. This is an opportunity for some appreciative community to receive my services."

We'd prefer to establish at least one storefront location in a strip mall or main street. other satellite locations include YWCA's, YMCA's, elementary schools, jr. high schools, and high schools. Corporate lunch breaks can provide a 30 minute workout that doesn't require you to change your clothes. Our work in prisons and rehabs will also benefit a community that we relocate to.

Do you know of a building that could be donated, or a piece of land that we could develop into a Tai Chi Youth school? Our curriculums include water color painting, Chinese music, and multi media production. Got an old warehouse hanging around?

Thank you.

I would like to donate:

I would like to help out by:

I know of someone you can contact regarding a donation:

I know of a building or plot of land that can be donated to a Tai Chi Youth school:

I would like to help the Tai Chi Youth students by donating the following:

$25       $50       $100       $200

Make checks payable to: TAI  CHI  YOUTH
P.O.Box 602
Tujunga, CA 91043

Your gift is tax deductible. Thank You!


 Page 7   

 Spring  1999

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Updated: 07 / 05 / 2002
"Shaolin Zen Magazine - Spring 1999 - page 7"
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