Volume Four     Number 1


 Spring  1999




"...um, ...er, ...nothing to report here."

(continued from page 1)

Master Zhen explained, "The music keeps the students in sync with each other. It also regulated their breathing and helps them keep a steady pace throughout the Form. This is essential in Taijiquan, allowing them to move beyond steady breathing in to a moving meditation." 

"Tai Chi Magic" is the title song from the album TAI CHI MAGIC which has yet to be released to record stores. "We've been selling cassettes to students and audiences of our TCY PERFORMANCE TEAM for a year now," chuckled Master Zhen.


The Amateur Athletic Union, AAU, elected Zhen Shen-Lang (Spirit Wolf of Truth) to Chair the Utah Chinese martial arts division. nominated by the National Chairman, Shifu Au Seng-Jeorng, Master Zhen will oversee and represent all Chinese martial arts in Utah.

Master Zhen Shen-Lang at Jordan Peace Gardens, Utah


 Page 4   

 Spring  1999

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Updated: 12 / 12 / 2000
"Shaolin Zen Magazine - Spring 1999 - page 4"
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